Pop Insider Exclusive: Basic Fun! Brings Back Long-Lost MLP Design for 40th Anniversary
Pop Insider recently published an exclusive article featuring the new My Little Pony 40th Anniversary Celestials collection by Basic Fun!
“Back in the ‘90s, Hasbro created the Fancy Swirl My Little Pony collection. The four ponies in this line featured bright tails and manes with complimenting bodies that had ripples of color floating throughout, topped with headpieces featuring the moon and stars.
If these ponies don’t sound familiar, there’s a good reason why — the design never hit shelves. Now, though, more than 30 years later, Basic Fun! is dusting off these designs to celebrate My Little Pony’s 40th anniversary.
Over the years, My Little Pony fans got some peeks at the original Fancy Swirl designs. Former Hasbro illustrator Allison Boiselle, who designed the packaging art for the Fancy Swirl ponies, shared them at a My Little Pony convention and has talked about the designs with fans over email and social media. Fans couldn’t get enough of the unreleased ponies, with many creating fan art that put their own spin on the Fancy Swirl designs.”
Read the full story here: Pop Insider